Ranjam Curio Cabinet

Brownie Pelt

Preparer: Siddle Graeme
Date: December 1881
Notes: Harvested in one of the harshest winters on record when even the brownies were succumbing.
Cthuluan Eggs

Preparer: Otis Barton
Date: June 1935
Notes: Collected from the deep recesses of space, accessed through a portal found in the Mariana Trench, which was in turn accessed by a diving bell.
Assorted Teeth

Preparer: Unknown
Date: 1923
Notes: Records indicate that these three teeth are all from the same person. One tooth includes a mercury amalgam filling.
Assorted Eyeballs

Preparer: Various
Date: Various
Notes: Though collected by many individuals over many years, all specimen have been thoroughly cleaned.
Harpy Feathers

Preparer: Orien Gabris
Date: 1792
Notes: These feathers were from one of the last remaining harpies. She was kept in a subterranean zoo outside Athens.
Baby Chimera Rattle

Preparer: Valentin Botello
Date: 1818
Notes: Only the baby chimera have a rattle.
Stolen Ocean Sounds

Preparer: Mary Anning
Date: 1819–1840
Notes: Each shell contains the sound of the ocean at a specific location, at a specific time.

Preparer: Godai Kiyo
Date: 1651
Notes: Because living Hokori (dust bunnies) can only be collected by maidens, the Godai family of women gathered them as the family trade for centuries. Kiyo was one of the lesser-known but vastly superior collectors.
Assorted Bones

Preparer: Unknown
Date: Unknown
Notes: The species of these bones have been lost to time. But there is obviously part of a bird wing, and at least a few leg bones
Key to the Secret Room

Preparer: Unknown
Date: 1568
Notes: If you don’t know the room, you can’t know the room.
Assorted Tentacles

Preparer: Anna Thynne
Date: June 1935
Notes: Collected from the deep recesses of space, accessed through a portal found in the Mariana Trench, which was in turn accessed by a diving bell.
Silver Strings of Blood Pearls

Preparer: Felix Yusupov
Date: December 1916
Notes: As long as the pearls of blood remain on the silver string, they will remain fresh and vital.
This cabinet of curiosity was custom-made for a supporter of the Awesome ‘Possum Volume 4 Kickstarter. They wanted an occult theme, and I made a booklet to go with the cabinet so they would know exactly what they were looking at. There are twelve vials filled with assorted occult items, some hand-made, some new looks at real items.